
Fork in the Road of Desire-Fulfillment

In this article I elaborate a recent experience where I witnessed a dispute between an Uber Eats driver and waitress at a diner on St. Catherine street. I use it to explain the causal link between desire and anger, but further raise and respond to the question of “why does unfulfilled desire lead to anger?”

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Don’t Leave the Iron On

A few days ago I dreamt a nightmare involving my late mother. In this dream, my mother left her heated iron on our black table for two and a half weeks. I returned home one day to find the entire home burnt, walls blackened by consequence of the fire lit by the iron. I woke up around 3:30 AM with my thoughts soaked by the dream, like an all pervading fog. I inspected it from its various facets of interpretation, and extracted the abstracted lesson.

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Heavy Death

In my view there are several types of death. Complete death is when a person passes. Pseudo death is when you are physically revoked from contact with another being even though both parties are alive (i.e., end of relationship, family abandonment, etc.). Mental death is when your mind must come to terms with either complete or pseudo death. Though you must live with the reality of deaths complete and pseudo, to accept them is mental death; it is when you have consciously guided the mind to no longer reverberate their sorrows. Heavy death is the combination of either a complete or pseudo death (loss), followed by mental death (acceptance).

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